Dave's Bucket List


Mount Sinai
Watching the sun rise after sleeping out on top of Mt. Sinai. Sinai Desert, Egypt, 1982.
Mount Sinai sunrise Dave on Mt. Sinai
Floating Torii
Miyajima, Japan
Miyajima Floating Torii

Fushimi Inari
Kyoto, Japan

Fushimi Inari Toriis

The Golden Pavilion
Kyoto, Japan

Golden Pavilion Golden Pavilion

The Great Wall
Mutianyu, China

Great Wall Great Wall of China

Grand Canyon
South Rim, Arizona

Grand Canyon Grand Canyon

Swimming with sea turtles
With Ethan at Black Rock Beach, Maui

Sea turtle Swimming with sea turtles

Surfing in Maui
With Rebecca in Lahaina, Maui

Surfing in Maui Surfing in Maui

Ziplining in Maui
With Rebecca in Lahaina, Maui

Ziplining in Maui Maui zipline

Lascaux caves
Astonishing cave art from our ancestors who lived 20,000 years ago. The cave is so fragile that the French government recreated it (to the millimeter) nearby.

Lascaux caves Lascaux

Pech Merle caves
Here you can enter the actual cave. It is overwhelming to stand next to the handprints of our ancestors from 20,000 years ago. Or to examine their paintings of mammoths!

Pech Merle Mammoth at Pech Merle

The Louvre

Louvre Louvre

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower

Notre Dame

Notre Dame Notre Dame

The Tour de France
During our visit to Sarlat, France, we stumbled upon the Tour de France!

Tour de France Tour de France

La Torre del Oro
The classic bullfight bar in Madrid

La Torre del Oro Bullfight Bar in Madrid

Sagrada Familia
Gaudi's wonderful cathedral in Barcelona

Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia

Mediterranean Sea
Swimming with Ethan in Barcelona, Spain

Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea

Stanford University
Noah's graduation

Noah's graduation from Stanford Stanford
I had the privilege of meeting Bishop Desmond Tutu in 1984 at UCLA. In 1987, Tim Ngubeni arranged for two South African students to visit my high school class, and my students were singing "Nkosi Sikeleli" for days afterward. Later that year, I was able to listen to Oliver Tambo when he visited LA. And in 1990, we participated in "Inglewood For Mandela" and heard Nelson Mendela in the LA Coliseum!
Tutu Mandela

Sea of Galilee
I was an exchange student at the University of Haifa in 1982-83 and camped at Kinneret many times. I took my family there when they visited and went swimming with my dad in 1983.

Sea of Galilee Sea of Galilee

Jordan River
With my dad in Israel, 1983

Jordan River Jordan River

Dead Sea
With my mom and sister in Israel, 1983

Dead Sea Dead Sea - credit xta11

Western Wall
With my family in Jerusalem, 1983

Western Wall Western Wall

Golan Heights and Mount Hermon
I took my family to visit some of my dear Druze friends in the Golan, 1983.

Mt. Hermon Druze friends in Golan Heights

Pyramids of Giza
I spent a month traveling through Egypt in January, 1983. Here is my friend Danny - I don't have a picture of myself. My Egyptian friend, Maha, toured me around, and we climbed into the heart of Khufu's pyramid.

Pyramids of Giza Pyramids of Giza
The Sphinx
After climbing into the heart of Khufu's pyramid Maha took me to see the Sphinx.
Sphinx Sphinx

Egyptian Museum
My friend Bob and I spent the day here. Cairo, 1983.

Egyptian Museum Mask of Yuya
Sailing by felucca down the Nile
I joined my UC classmates and we watched the sunset over the Nile.
Felucca Felucca
Luxor and Thebes
A beautiful train ride along the Nile from Cairo to this stunning place. Luxor, Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens.
Karnak Valley of the Kings

Snorkeling in the Red Sea
My friend Reuben and I spent a couple of weeks traveling the Sinai, snorkeling every day. I have no pictures of my own, but this captures the feeling - although there was almost no one else there in 1982!

Red Sea Red Sea

Gaelic Scotland - Isles of Harris and Lewis
With my sister in 1983. Our B&B hostess invited us to attend her Bible study - in Gaelic! The next day she invited us to her Gaelic church service. The congregation chanted the Psalms in Gaelic for the first hour - it was haunting and absolutely gorgeous. Search "Gaelic Psalms from Lewis" to experience it.

Isle of Harris Isle of Harris

Orkney Islands
With my sister at the Ring of Brodgar, near the Standing Stones of Stenness, 1983

Standing Stones of Stenness Ring of Brodgar

Oaxacan friends in Baja
With my roommate, Dan, in San Vicente, Baja California, 1984-85. We made many trips to work with our Oaxacan friends in their fields, play with the kids, and learn a bit of their language, Mixteco.

San Vicente, Baja California Tomas and family

Hiking and camping by myself in Alaska, 1984

Denali Denali backpack

Na Pali Coast
Hiking and camping by myself, Kauai, 1984

Na Pali Coast Na Pali beach

Volcanoes National Park
Big Island of Hawaii, 1984

Vocanoes Park Volcano National Park

State Cross Country Meet
I qualified for the Illinois Varsity State Cross Country meet as a sophomore, and ran a 4:25 mile as a sophomore. These were the highlights of my running career, before we moved away from Chicago before my Junior year. New Trier West High School, Northfield, Illinois, 1977.

Qualifying for State Cross Country Dave's 4:25 mile
Humans Land on the Moon
I was visiting my great-grandpa in Lincoln, Nebraska, in July of 1969, seven years old. My great-grandpa, who was born in 1888, about 15 years before the Wright Brothers flew the first airplane, was astounded and he shook his head as he watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.
Apollo 11 Apollo 11
© David Cort