Writing Folder: The Flea Settlement
  • Writing Folder Cover
    My fourth grade writing folder.
    I think a cartoon inspired the Flea Settlement concept - perhaps Elmer Fudd in "An Itch in Time."
  • My Make Believe World
    Introduction to the Flea Settlement. I combined my cartoon inspiration with my research on Ant societies - note the aphid "cows."
  • The Incredible Flea Journey
    A picaresque tale of a young, lost flea trying to find his way home. Inspired by The Cricket in Times Square - and hence politically incorrect!
  • Poems
    I think the first one was inspired by a Bullwinkle poem on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Poetry Corner.
  • Haiku
    The cricket sings his/chirping song joined by the toad./Flies skim the cornpatch.