Me in my University of Haifa shirt 31 January 1983

Haifa to Tel Aviv
Made friends with Ken and Carol at University of Tel Aviv and slept in Ken's room. I often made friends along the way as I traveled, and people would often extend hospitality to me. What a great time of life! ________________________________________________________________

1 February 1983

Leave Tel Aviv

7:30 AM. Bus leaves Tel Aviv.

We drove all the way trough the Gaza Strip and crossed the border at Rafiah.

I recall talking with the Israeli border guard. She started speaking to me in English, but I answered her in Hebrew. She asked me, “?אתה מדבר עברית” ("Do you speack Hebrew?") and I answered, “.אני מסתדר” ("I get by.") She said, “אתה מסתדר יפה”. ("You get by beautifully.")

5:30 PM. Arrive in Cairo. I am able to find my host, Bob, quickly - thank God!

2 February 1983


Walk around Heliopolis in the afternoon, enjoying the architecture, food and people. Talk with Rowie and Yosri in the evening, then with Bob for a meal of Egyptian food and brains. I had never seen brains on a menu before, so in the spirit of adventure and localism I could not resist ordering it.

Baron Empain Palace (Qasr Al Baron) in Heliopolis, Cairo. Credit: Jasmine Elias


3 February 1983

Egyptian Museum

Bob and I spend morning in Egyptian Museum. I was impressed with the rooms and rooms of mummies. Seeing King Tutankhamun's treasures reminded me of junior high, when I had the chance to see the King Tut display in Chicago. I still have my guide book from the museum. In the afternoon we walk across town to Khan El Khleely, where we have blilah and kushari with the locals.

Khan el-Khalili
Bab al-Badistan, a gate in Khan el-Khalili. Credit: Casual Builder, from Wikipedia

Koshari. Credit: David Lisbona, from Wikipedia

Belila. Credit:

Egyptian Museum - Gold Mask of Tutankhamun. Credit: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, from Wikimedia

Egyptian Museum - Mummy mask of Yuya. Credit: Jon Bodsworth, from Wikimedia


4 February 1983

Meeting Egyptian friends

Bob introduced me to the G family, a well-to-do Christian family who lived in a nice apartment in Cairo. The father was middle-aged and stout with a full face. Maha, the daughter, was a doctor. They invited me to breakfast.

I had lunch at Yosri’s place. I met a fascinating young man named Allah. He wants to work for peace - so he studies Hebrew! I had the privilege of giving him my Hebrew Bible. He said it was very difficult to get one here. Prayer service in the evening with Bob and Rowie.

5 February 1983


Maha takes us to Giza. I take in the Pyramids, climb into the heart of Khufu’s. We see the Sphinx. Then Maha treats us to Egytian pizza. It was delicious - something like a cross between pizza and quiche.

She also took me to see one of the "Garbage Ciies" of Cairo. This was pretty shocking for me to experience. Children walking on piles and piles of garbage, living among the piles of garbage.

Map of Giza
Map of Giza. Credit: Messer Woland, from Wikimedia

Great Pyramid of Khufu
Great Pyramid of Khufu. Credit: Alex Ibh, from Wikimedia

Pyramid of Menkaure
Pyramid of Menkaure in Giza. Credit: Hajor, from Wikimedia

Sphinx. Credit: Marek Kocjan, from Wikimedia


6 February 1983

Hanging out with Egyptian friends

Restful day. Had Evonne's ful mudammas for breakfast. Ate lunch with the Gergis family.

Ful mudammas (fava beans). Credit: Zachbe at en.wikipedia

I am considering my possible plans.
- Train to Luxor
- Train to Aswan
- Cheap felucca to Abu Simbal
- Train to Khartoum
- Hitch out to Hurghada
- Up to Alexandria
- Back to Cairo before the 24th (Thursday)
- Home through the south Sinai and Ras Muhammad

Rowie feels God is telling him that I should stay in Cairo rather than travel south. I have to tell him politely that I am not feeling the same thing.

To see which choice I made, see the Luxor, Aswan page.