  • Flintstones Book
    This seems to be a mashup inspired by my favorite cartoon and the book, A Fish Out of Water.
    2nd - 3rd Grade
  • Westbriar Elementary School
    Vienna, Virginia, a suburb of D.C. Best friend Sean, who moved to Spain. Neighborhood buddy Stephan Ahart.
    3rd Grade
  • Little League
    I was posted to left field, where I would do minimal damage. Tried to get a walk, because once on base, I was fast!
  • Ant Colony
    I became fascinated with ants in fourth grade, and drew this type of cartoon all the time!
  • Alien Salesman
    I remember drawing these cartoons with my mom and sister. We used to enjoy drawing together on lazy days.
  • Alien Teacher
    My first evidence of interest in exotic alphabets!
  • Echidna
    Mrs. Young's class in Dallas.
  • Math Folder
    This has to have been inspired by Donald in Mathemagic Land, although I don't recall seeing that until 6th grade.
  • Rockets
    Another genre of cartoons from this era of my life.
    5th Grade
  • Bernard Cheesit
    I seem to have been inspired by The Rescuers and A Cricket in Times Square!
  • Mr. Beetle
    I loved my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Rice. And he gave a lot of homework!
  • Football
    Not my best sport. One parent told me, "You're meant for the priesthood, David!"
  • Dogwood Inn
    I loved to draw cartoons in third, fourth, fifth grade....
  • Dog Jailbreak
    My mom made me a convict constume for Halloween in fifth grade, just like this!
  • Dog Saloon
    I suppose I was inspired by dogs playing poker! (C.M. Coolidge)
  • Alien Cartoon
    I loved to draw cartoons in third, fourth, fifth grade....
  • Tremont Overnight Camp
    I watched a television show about Leonardo Da Vinci, and was clearly inspired by his cryptic writing.
    I still remember trying to find our way home in Tremont....